Opening a Garage Door Repair Dallas TX manually is a straightforward process that can be accomplished with a few simple steps. Whether your garage door opener is malfunctioning or there is a power outage, knowing how to open your garage door manually can be a helpful skill to have.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps for opening a garage door manually.

Step 1: Release the Garage Door Opener

The first step to manually opening a garage door is to disengage the door from the automatic opener. This is usually done by pulling a cord or lever that releases the door from the track. In most cases, the cord or lever will be located near the top of the garage door, attached to the automatic opener mechanism.

Once you locate the cord or lever, pull it gently to disengage the garage door from the automatic opener. Be sure to hold onto the door as you do this to prevent it from falling or moving unexpectedly.

Step 2: Lift the Garage Door

After you have disengaged the garage door from the automatic opener, it’s time to lift the door manually. The door will likely be heavy, so you may need assistance to lift it safely.

Stand facing the garage door and grasp it firmly with both hands. Lift the door straight up until it is fully open. Be sure to hold the door steady as you lift it to prevent it from swinging or shifting out of place.

Step 3: Secure the Garage Door

Once you have manually opened the garage door, it’s important to secure it in place to prevent it from accidentally closing or falling. One way to do this is to prop the door open with a sturdy object, such as a piece of wood or a metal bar.

Place the object under the door, near the middle, to hold it open. Be sure to use a sturdy object that will not shift or move, as this could cause the door to close unexpectedly.

Step 4: Close the Garage Door

When you are ready to close the garage door, simply remove the object holding it open and lower the door slowly and carefully until it is fully closed. Be sure to hold onto the door as you lower it to prevent it from slamming shut.

Step 5: Re-engage the Garage Door Opener

After manually closing the garage door, it’s important to re-engage the automatic opener mechanism to ensure it will work properly the next time you need to use it.

Locate the cord or lever that you disengaged earlier and gently push it back into place. You may hear a clicking sound as the opener mechanism engages. Once the opener is engaged, test the door to make sure it opens and closes smoothly.


Knowing how to manually open a Garage Door Repair Dallas TX can be a helpful skill to have in case of an emergency or power outage. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can safely and effectively open your garage door manually. Remember to always use caution and enlist the help of a friend or family member if the door is too heavy to lift on your own.

Dallas Garage Door Repair Inc

1436 Slocum St, Dallas, TX 75207, United States
