Garage Door Repair Anna TX allows you to conveniently open and close your garage door with ease.

Whether you’re setting up a new remote or reprogramming an existing one, this step-by-step guide will walk you through the process to ensure smooth operation of your garage door opener.

1. Locate the “Learn” Button on Your Craftsman Garage Door Opener

The first step in programming your Craftsman garage door opener remote is to locate the “Learn” button on the motor unit of your opener. This button is typically found near the antenna wire and may be labeled as “Learn” or “Smart” depending on the model of your opener.

2. Press the “Learn” Button

Once you’ve located the “Learn” button, press it firmly and release it. You’ll notice that the indicator light on the motor unit will begin to blink, indicating that the opener is in programming mode and ready to learn the code from your remote.

3. Press the Button on Your Remote

Next, grab your Craftsman garage door opener remote and press the button that you want to program to open and close your garage door. Hold down the button until you see the indicator light on the remote flash or hear a beep, indicating that the remote’s code has been transmitted to the garage door opener.

4. Test the Remote

After programming the remote, it’s essential to test it to ensure that it’s working correctly. Stand inside your garage and press the button on the remote. If the programming was successful, your garage door should open or close smoothly in response to the remote’s command.

5. Repeat for Additional Remotes (If Necessary)

If you have multiple Craftsman garage door opener remotes that you want to program to your opener, simply repeat the process outlined above for each remote. Press the “Learn” button on the opener, then press the button on the remote that you want to program, and test each remote to ensure that they’re all functioning correctly.

6. Erase Existing Codes (Optional)

If you’re replacing an old remote or want to reset the programming on your opener, you may need to erase existing codes before programming new remotes. To do this, locate the “Learn” button on the opener and press it for about 6-8 seconds until the indicator light turns off. This action erases all existing codes from the opener’s memory, allowing you to start fresh with programming new remotes.

7. Secure Your Remote

Once you’ve programmed your Craftsman garage door opener remote, be sure to keep it in a safe and secure location, such as your car’s glove compartment or a designated spot inside your home. Avoid leaving the remote in plain sight, where it could be easily stolen or accessed by unauthorized individuals.


Programming your Craftsman garage door opener remote is a simple process that allows you to enjoy convenient access to your garage. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can quickly set up your remote and ensure smooth operation of your garage door opener. If you encounter any difficulties during the programming process, refer to your opener’s user manual for troubleshooting tips, or contact Craftsman’s customer support for assistance.

Anna’s Best Garage & Overhead Doors

1009 Mathew Dr, Anna, TX 75049, United States
